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<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/plot.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/>Plot Intro (DRAFT)</h2>
       As a lot of new plot options is added the plot request form has been completely redesigned. It is organised as multi-level tree<br/>
	To see/redefine the default plot options for an element click it in the tree hierachy on the left panel <br/>
	Current selection is shown next to the corresponding element.<br/><br/>
	Note that at any moment you can modify any option at any level.
		<img class="left" src="help/images/plot1.png"/>
	<li><h3>Page : self-explanatory</h3> 
		<i>Epoch Superposed Mode</i> : if activated  all time intervals        
		(in a case of time table / catalog input) are plotted on the same page<br/> 
		<i>Font</i> : all axis tickmarks; axis titles; copyright;
			<img class="left" src="help/images/plot2.png"/>
		An example of IMF magnitude plot with checked <i>Epoch Superposed Mode</i> and Time Table with 5 intervals as time input. 
			<img class="left" src="help/images/image3.png"/>
	<li><h3>Layout :  position of the panels on the page</h3>
		Two generic panel types : 'Time/Epoch' and 'XY (Scatter/Instant)';     
				<img class="left" src="help/images/plot3.png"/>
		<ol><b><i>Implemented Layouts</i></b>
			<li> <i>Vertical</i> : vertical stack of panels;<br/>
				all time panels are of the same width;<br/>
				one XY panel in the line;<br/>
				generic panel height (for Time and XY panel)<br/>
				and width (for XY panel) can be defined at this level
			<li><i>Auto</i> : automatic layout - if possible combines<br/>
				several XY panels at the same level;
				only panel height can be defined (XY panel is 'square')
			<li><i>Manual</i> : everything is to be defined by user
			<img class="left" src="help/images/plot4.png"/>
		With <i>Prefered Dimensions</i> and <i>Font</i> options you may 
		redefine generic settings for this particular panel.<br/>
		<i>Background color</i> TBD to be defined for plot area only
		<b>Plot types:</b> defines plot type associated with the corresponding panel (panel type).<br/> 
		Note that at the parameter level you specify parameter <i>Drawing Type</i>.<br/> 
		For example on one <i>Time Plot</i> panel you may plot several parameters 
		with different drawing types (Serie, TickBar, StatusBar) of TimePlot type. 
			<li><b><i>Panel : Time Plot</i></b><br/>
				allows use/combine different drawing types on the same panel :
				Serie, Spectro, Tick Bar, Status Bar  <br/>
				Note that <i>Tick Bar</i> and <i>Status Bar</i>  cannot be plotted on the TimePlot panel
				if alone -  
				you <b>should always plot also</b> another parameter of <i>Serie</i> or <i>Spectro</i> drawing type, 
				otherwise you will get an empty panel.
					<img class="left" src="help/images/plot7.png"/>
			<li><b><i>Panel : Scatter (XY) Plot</i></b><br/>
				Y = Y(X) plot - allows Serie and Orbit Serie drawing types.				
				A parameter used as x is defined at parameter level by drag/drop from parameter tree.
					<img class="left" src="help/images/plot6.png"/>
				<i>Orbit Serie</i> is a special type of XY Plot developed for orbits 2D presentations (XR; YZ ... etc).
			<li><b><i>Panel : Epoch Plot</i></b><br/>
			'Epoch'-type panel defines time axe in 'relative' time units using <i>Center Time</i> defined in the input catalog.			
			<br/>An example of Catalog suitable as input for EpochPlot :
			&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
			&lt;timetable xml:id="cat_0">
				&lt;description>test catalog&lt;/description>
					&lt;parameter id="center" name="CenterTime" size="1" .../>
			If you use as input catalog the catalog above you should set  <i>Epoch Center Time Id = center</i> (parameter id="center")
				<img class="left" src="help/images/plot10.png"/>
			and get the following plot (of course if you have selected <i>Epoch Superposed Mode</i> at Page Level):
				<img class="left" src="help/images/image4.png"/>
			To scale time intervals select the <i>Normalized</i> option at <i>Axes/EpochAxis</i> level:
				<img class="left" src="help/images/plot9.png"/>
				<img class="left" src="help/images/image5.png"/>
			<font color="red">CU: As for the moment catalog uploading is not implemented (as well as 'dateTime' parameter type
			in Catalog Editor) we supply CU with special 'Epoch Plot test' catalog (above) with the name <i>epoch_test</i>.
			You will find this catalog in the Catalogs/My Catalogs section of your WorkSpace Explorer</font>
			<li><b><i>Panel : Instant Plot</i></b><br/>
				'instant spectrum' - 1D[2D] cut for 2D[3D] objects;<br/>
				TBD : add option for interchange axis : Y => X; X => Y <br/>
				Note: instant cut may be get also directly by right mouse click on spectrogram plot
			<li><b><i>Panel : Status Plot</i></b><br/> permits  only one drawing type - Status Bar.<br/>
				<font color="red">CU : For the moment <i>Status Bar</i> drawng type is implemented for the 
				STEREO SWEA quality parameters only.</font>
			<li><b><i>Panel : Tick Plot</i></b> permits  only one  drawing type - Tick Bar.<br/>
				Outputs parameter as tick values for major time ticks. <br/>
				<font color="red">CU : Known bug: for some time intervals <i>NaN</i> is output. 
				Will be fixed.</font>
	<b>Note :</b> you can plot/save <i>Plot Template</i> : plot with empty panels 
		(add and configure panels without parameters).<br/>
		<li><b><i>Time Axis</i> : self-explanatory</b><br/>
		In order not to plot time axe tickmarks and X-title on the panel uncheck
		<i>Legend</i> and <i>Show tick marks</i> checkboxes.
			<img class="left" src="help/images/plot5.png"/>
			<img class="left" src="help/images/image1.png"/>
		<li><b><i>Y Left [Right] Axis</i> : self-explanatory</b><br/>
		Y-title is constructed automatically.<br/>
		You may define Y-title yourself in the <i>Legend</i> block.<br/>
		Selection of <i>Left / Right</i> Y-axe (associated with parameter!!)<br/>
		is made at the <i>parameter</i> level.
	<li><h3>Parameter : self-explanatory</h3>

		<li><b>Note :</b>Some fields in the form of parameter level are 'editable'.
		Introdicing of math expressions in those fields has no sense.
		May be later on... 
		<li><i>Arguments :</i><br>	
		Two possibilities to select vector components 
		- directly from parameter tree or by <i>Arguments</i> block.<br/>
		<b>Direct component selection from the tree doesn't work for the moment</b>
			<img class="left" src="help/images/plot8.png"/>
		<li> You may colorize plotted parameter with the value of another parameter 
		by using <i>Colored Parameter</i> option (drag/drop parameter)
			<img class="left" src="help/images/image2.png"/>
		<li><font color="red">CU : Sometimes you may get empty panel without any error. 
		Check out please if </font><i>Symbols</i> <font color="red">selection will plot the parameter. Note such cases.</font> 
		<li><i>Interval ticks</i> can be useful when one produces plot for time table input 
		in Epoch Superposed page mode.
		<li><i>Error Bar</i>. To plot error bars you should define one (in case of <i>Delta</i>) 
		or two (in case of <i>Min/Max</i>) parameters used as 'error values'.<br/> You may create those
		parameters yourself using for example <i>sqrt</i> of the existing parameter.
		<li><i>Drawing Types</i> are predefined for some parameters -
		f.i. - vex_xyz, mex_xyz - Orbit Serie; e_mgs_er - Spectro.<br/>
		When you drag/drop such a parameter its drawing type is set automatically.
		Will be extended for all parameters when there is sense.