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<h2>Magnetometer data from Venus Express</h2>
Magnetometer data from Venus Express (VEXGRAZ) are available from 
<a href=""> IWF/Graz. </a>

Data have been produced by <a href=""> T. Zhang</a>, 
Principal Investigator (PI) of the MAG instrument onboard Venus Express.  
We strongly recommend working directly or checking with the PI regarding 
data interpretation, and well in advance to submitting a 
talk/publication, in order to be informed of the nuances (and accuracy) 
of the VEXGRAZ dataset.
Using these data for publications should imply co-authorship of T. Zhang.
The connection of AMDA with VEXMAG data is established in close 
cooperation between CDPP and IWF/GRaz within the IDIS (Integrated and 
Distributed Information Service) framework. The Development of IDIS into 
an international research support environment is supported by the 
European Commission's 7th Framework Program, *Europlanet Research 
Infrastructure, grant agreement 228319, as part of the Capacities 
Specific Programme / Research Infrastructures.