IntervalSelection.js 7.27 KB
// Define a constant for the layout style of the form
const LAYOUT_STYLE = {
    type: 'vbox', // vertical box layout
    pack: 'start', // controls the vertical alignment of child items
    align: 'stretch' // each child item is stretched to fill the width of the container

// Width of button
const width = 100;

// Define the parent class
Ext.define('amdaPlotComp.intervalSelection.IntervalSelection', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window', // This class extends from Ext.window.Window
    // Window configurations
    x: 0, y: 0, // The initial position of the window
    title: 'Interval Selection', // The title of the window
    constrain: true, // Constrains the window to within the boundaries of its containing element
    collapsible: true, // Allows the window to be collapsed
    resizable: false, // Prevents the window from being resizable
    ghost: false, // Disables "ghosting" (semi-transparent representation of the window body) when moving or resizing

    parent: null, // Initialize parent to null
    hostCmp: null,
    interactiveId: '',
    panelId: -1,

    config: {
        field1Type: 'datefield', // The xtype of field1. By default is datefield because we are working with time series.
        field1Label: 'Start Time', // The label of field1.
        field1Format: 'Y/m/d H:i:s.u',
        field2Type: 'datefield', // The xtype of field2. By default is datefield.
        field2Label: 'Stop Time', // The label of field2.
        field2Format: 'Y/m/d H:i:s.u',
        buttonApply: 'Apply'

    // Define the itemIds as constants
    // These will be used to reference the fields later in the code
    FIELD1_ITEM_ID: 'field1',
    FIELD2_ITEM_ID: 'field2',
    buttonUseTime: 'button-use-time',

    initComponent: function () {
        const me = this; // Reference to this instance for use in event handlers

        this.parent = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ // Create a new FormPanel instance and assign it to parent
            frame: true, // Display a frame around the panel
            width: 255, // Set the width of the panel
            layout: LAYOUT_STYLE, // Set the layout style of the panel
            fieldDefaults: {
                labelWidth: 60 // Set default label width for fields in this panel
            items: [{
                xtype: 'fieldset', // Create a new FieldSet to group related fields together
                title: 'Interval Selection',
                name: 'interval-selection-fieldset',
                collapsible: false,
                layout: LAYOUT_STYLE,
                items: [{
                    xtype: this.field1Type,
                    fieldLabel: this.field1Label,
                    itemId: this.FIELD1_ITEM_ID,
                    format: this.field1Format,
                    listeners: {
                        change: function (field, newValue) {
                            if (newValue === null || newValue === undefined || newValue === '') return;
                            var field2 = me._getField2();
                            // Check if field2 is not empty
                            const value2 = field2.getValue();
                            if (value2 !== null && value2 !== undefined && value2 !== '') {
                                if (newValue > value2) {
                                    // Update both field1 and field2 to the new values
                    xtype: this.field2Type,
                    fieldLabel: this.field2Label,
                    itemId: this.FIELD2_ITEM_ID,
                    format: this.field2Format,
                    listeners: {
                        change: function (field, newValue) {
                            if (newValue === null || newValue === undefined || newValue === '') return;
                            var field1 = me._getField1();
                            // Check if field1 is not empty
                            const value1 = field1.getValue();
                            if (value1 !== null && value1 !== undefined && value1 !== '') {
                                if (newValue < value1) {
                                    // Update both field1 and field2 to the new values
                }, {
                    xtype: 'button',
                    text: 'Reset',
                    width: width,
                    handler: function () {
                    xtype: 'button',
                    text: 'Use in Time Selection',
                    itemId: this.buttonUseTime,
                    handler: function () {
            fbar: [
                    xtype: 'button',
                    width: width,
                    text: this.buttonApply,
                    handler: function () {

        Ext.apply(this, {
            items: this.parent

        this.setTitle(this.title + " - Panel Id : " + this.panelId);

    _resetHostCmpSelection: function () {

    _apply: function () { },

    _notValidValues: function () {
        return !this.getField1Value() || !this.getField2Value() || !this.parent.getForm().isValid();

    _getField1: function () {
        return this.parent.down('#' + this.FIELD1_ITEM_ID);

    _getField2: function () {
        return this.parent.down('#' + this.FIELD2_ITEM_ID);

    _setTimeInterval: function () {
        const timeObj = new Object();
        timeObj.start = this.getField1Value();
        timeObj.stop = this.getField2Value();
        timeObj.interactiveId = this.interactiveId;
        const plotModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(;

    _removeUseTimeButton: function () {
        const buttonToHide = this.parent.down('#' + this.buttonUseTime);

    getField1Value: function () {
        return this._getField1().getValue();

    getField2Value: function () {
        return this._getField2().getValue();

    setField1Value: function (value) {

    setField2Value: function (value) {

    reset: function () {