<h2>CLUSTER EFW Electric Field in ISR2</h2><br/><br/> <b>Electric Field in ISR2</b> is obtained from <a href="http://caa.estec.esa.int/caa/" TARGET=_BLANK>CAA</a> C[1-4]_CP_EFW_L3_E <br/> <br/> The EFW instrument measures the electric field only inthe spacecraft spin plane, therefore a spin-plane oriented coordinate system is best suited for scientific studies involving the electric field. The ISR2 (Inverted Spin Reference) system, also known as DSI (Despun System Inverted), is such asystem. The X and Y axes are inthe spin plane, with X pointing as near sunward as possible and Y perpendicular tothe sunward direction, positive towards dusk. The Z-axis is along the (negative) spacecraft spin axis, towards the north ecliptic. The coordinate system is called “Inverted” because the actual spin axis of Cluster is pointing towards the south ecliptic. The difference between ISR2 (DSI) andthe GSE (Geocentric Solar Ecliptic) is a tilt of2° to7° ofthe Z-axis performed in order to avoid shading ofthe EFW probes bythe spacecraft.