<h2>Time table statistical information</h2>When hitting the <b>"Apply"</b> button the following data ontheeditedtimetablearecomputedfromthelistofintervals :</br></br><ul><li>The <b>minimum</b> and <b>maximum</b> durations with corresponding intervals (following the'--' signs)</li></br><li>The <b>mean</b>, <b>the standard deviation (St. dev)</b> andthe <b>median</b> of interval durations</li><br/><li>The <b>density</b> ofthetime table intheglobaltime span : this is the ratio ofthesumof all interval durations over theglobaltime span, i.e. the duration ofthe interval starting withthemin'Start'and finishing withthemax'Stop'.</li></ul>The <b>density</b> is an indication ofthe occurrence frequency ofthe event described inatime table.