<h2>CLUSTER EFW Electric Field in GSE</h2>
<b>Electric Field in GSE</b> is obtained from
<a href="http://caa.estec.esa.int/caa/" TARGET=_BLANK>CAA</a> C[1-4]_CP_EFW_L3_E3D_GSE <br/>
<b>Note that Pi has not validated this product</b>.<br/>
This dataset contains the electric field in the inertial frame (i.e., vxB removed) in the GSE coordinate system,
using EFW electric field data from file C[1-4]_CP_EFW_L3_E and interpolated FGM magnetic field data from
C[1-4]_CP_FGM_5VPS products. The spin-axis component of the electric field is calculated with assumption of E.B equals 0 and with use of 2 electric field
components in the spin plane and three magnetic field components.