<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/timeTable.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/> Managing Time Tables</h2>
Within this module you can edit and manipulate your time tables,
make operations on intervals ( Extend/Shift, Merge ),
and obtain different statistical information on time table intervals duration.
Very usefull feature is time table <b><i>Filtering</i></b>. Click a column header you wish to filter, select
<b><i>Filters</i></b> in pulldown menu, enter desired values and get the filtered time table. </p>
<img class="centered" src="help/images/ttfilt.png"/>
Note that filtered column is marked by <b><i>bold italic</i></b> font. To unset filter click <b>Clear Filters</b>.
You may save newly created filtered time table.
<img src="help/images/ttcols.png" align='right' style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 15px;"/>
You may always <b><i>Sort Ascending or Descending</i></b> any column you like and show <b><i>Duration</i></b>
in different units.