10.4 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue May 12 15:45:20 2020

@author: Daniel

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import datetime
import tsyg
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
import as cm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

def KF94_field(Rbs, Rmp, Bimfx, Bimfy, Bimfz, x, y, z):
    """Magnetosheath magnetic field (Kobela and Fluckiger 1994)."""
    A = (2 * Rbs - Rmp) / (2 * (Rbs - Rmp))
    l = 3 * Rmp / 2 - x
    Bmsx = -A * (-Bimfx * (1 - Rmp / (2 * l))
                 + Bimfy * (y / l)
                 + Bimfz * (z / l))
    Bmsy = A * (-Bimfx * (y / (2 * l))
                + Bimfy * (2 - (y**2) / (l * Rmp))
                - Bimfz * (y * z / (l * Rmp)))
    Bmsz = A * (-Bimfx * (z / (2 * l))
                - Bimfy * (y * z / (l * Rmp))
                + Bimfz * (2 - (z**2) / (l * Rmp)))

    return Bmsx, Bmsy, Bmsz

def Sibeck_Rmp(pdyn, A0, B0, C0, p0):
    Magnetopause stand-off distance, Sibeck, 1991.

     R^2 + A*x^2+B*(p0/p)^(1/6)*x + C * (p0/p)^(1/3) = 0
     Rmp (stand-off dist) =  x for R = 0
     pdyn : solar wind pressure [nPa ]
     p0 : reference solar wind pressure [nPa]
     A0, B0, C0 : magnetopause coefficients
    p = pdyn
    p1 = (p0/p)**(1/6)
    p2 = (p0/p)**(1/3)
    Rmp = (-B0*p1+np.sqrt(B0**2*p1**2 - 4*A0*C*p2))/(2*A0)
    return Rmp

def centroid(arr):
    Compute face centroid (intersection of medians).

     This is the position where the value of the shear angle for the face will
     be computed. It will give the face color.
    length = arr.shape[0]
    midpoints_ = np.zeros((length, 3))
    for i in range(0, length):
        sum_x = np.sum(arr[i, :,  0])
        sum_y = np.sum(arr[i, :,  1])
        sum_z = np.sum(arr[i, :,  2])
        midpoints_[i] = [sum_x/3, sum_y/3, sum_z/3]
    return midpoints_

def Sibeck_to_KF94(xs, ys, zs, Rmp, A, B, C):
    Map  Sibeck's magnetopause points to KF94 magnetopause.

     xs, ys, zs : coordinates of a point on the Sibeck magnetopause [R_E]
     Rmp : magnetopause stand-off distance  [R_E]
     A, B, C : Sibeck's magnetopause parameters

     Compute the intersection of the normal to Sibeck magnetopause
     at  xs,ys,zs with KF94 magnetopause
    t0 = (
          2*B*Rmp + 4*A*Rmp*xs + 4*ys**2 + 4*zs**2 -
          np.sqrt((-2*B*Rmp - 4*A*Rmp*xs - 4*ys**2 - 4*zs**2)**2 -
                  4*(-4*ys**2 - 4*zs**2) *
                  (2*Rmp**2 - 2*Rmp*xs - ys**2 - zs**2))
        )/(2*(-4*ys**2 - 4*zs**2))
    xin0 = xs + (B+2*A*xs)*t0
    yin0 = ys + 2*ys*t0
    zin0 = zs + 2*zs*t0
    return xin0, yin0, zin0  # point on  KF94 mpause

def find_color_for_point(pt, cmap, R_bs, R_mp,
                         A, B, C,
                         pdyn, dst, ps, Bimfx, Bimfy, Bimfz):
    Compute the shear angle and the corresponding face color for point pt.

     pt : numpy array of size 3
     cmap : color map
     R_bs : bow shock standoff distance [R_E]
     R_mp : magnetopause standoff distance [R_E]
     A, B, C : Sibeck's magnetopause parameters'
     ps : dipole tilt
     Bimfx, Bimfy, Bimfz: IMF components
    iopt = 0  # dummy variable for T96
    parmod1 = [pdyn, dst, Bimfy, Bimfz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    x_, y_, z_ = pt
    bxgsm_, bygsm_, bzgsm_ = [0., 0., 0.]
    Bmsx_, Bmsy_, Bmsz_ = [0., 0., 0.]
    B_, b_, alpha_, dp_ = [0., 0., 0., 0.]
    hxgsw_, hygsw_, hzgsw_ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    bx1, by1, bz1 = [0., 0., 0.]
    bxgsm0_, bygsm0_, bzgsm0_ = tsyg.igrf_gsw_08(x_, y_, z_,
                                                 hxgsw_, hygsw_, hzgsw_)
    bxgsm1_, bygsm1_, bzgsm1_ = tsyg.t96_01(iopt, parmod1,
                                            ps, x_, y_, z_, bx1, by1, bz1)
    bxgsm_ = bxgsm0_ + bxgsm1_
    bygsm_ = bygsm0_ + bygsm1_
    bzgsm_ = bzgsm0_ + bzgsm1_
    x_k, y_k, z_k = Sibeck_to_KF94(x_, y_, z_, R_mp, A, B, C)
    Bmsx_, Bmsy_, Bmsz_ = KF94_field(R_bs, R_mp, Bimfx, Bimfy, Bimfz,
                                     x_k, y_k, z_k)
#    print('bxgsm_,bygsm_,bzgsm_: ', bxgsm_,bygsm_,bzgsm_)
#    print('Bmsx_, Bmsy_, Bmsz_: ', Bmsx_, Bmsy_, Bmsz_)
    dp_ = Bmsx_ * bxgsm_ + Bmsy_ * bygsm_ + Bmsz_ * bzgsm_  # dot product
    B_ = np.sqrt(Bmsx_**2 + Bmsy_**2 + Bmsz_**2)
    b_ = np.sqrt(bxgsm_**2 + bygsm_**2 + bzgsm_**2)
    # angle between B msheath and b msphere
    alpha_ = np.degrees(np.arccos(dp_ / b_ / B_))
    # print('x,y,z, alpha_: ',x_, y_, z_,alpha_)
    norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=180)
    col = cmap(norm(alpha_))
    return col

def main(): """Plot the  shear angle on a 3D magnetopause."""

# input------------------------------------------------------
year, month, day, hour, min, sec = [1997, 5, 9, 12, 10, 0]
Bimfx = 1.0  # nT
Bimfy = -2.6
Bimfz = -1.8
dst = -9   # DST index
vsw = 300.  # solar wind speed
n = 11.0  # solar wind number density cm^-3
# Sibeck s magnetopause parameters
#   Use the coefficients for the pressure bin [1.47, 2.60] nPa
#   p0 is the reference solar wind pressure
A = 0.14
B = 18.2
C = -217.2
p0 = 2.04  # nPa
# plot features
N = 20  # number of yz ellipses to plot
npe = 100  # number of points per yz ellipse
# end input---------------------------------------------------

imf_clock_angle = np.arctan2(Bimfy, Bimfz)
if imf_clock_angle < 0:
    imf_clock_angle = imf_clock_angle + 2*np.pi
imf_clock_angle = np.degrees(imf_clock_angle)
print('imf clock angle : ', imf_clock_angle)
vgse = [-vsw, 0, 0]  # solar wind velocity in GSE: T96 input.
m_p = 1.6726219e-27  # proton mass kg
# solar wind dynamic pressure nPa
pdyn = (0.85 * n * 1e6 * m_p * (vsw * 1000)**2)*1e9
# Standoff distance of the Earth’s bow shock (Jelinek)
Rbs = 15.02 * pdyn**(-1 / 6.55)
print("R_bsj  = ", Rbs, ' R_E')

Rmp = Sibeck_Rmp(pdyn, A, B, C, p0)
print("Rmp  (Sibeck) = ", Rmp, ' R_E')

# Plot -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

# Create the triangulations of the T96 and KF94 magnetopauses
# Magnetopause  Kobela and Fluckiger, 1994
pts3d = np.zeros((N*npe, 3))
X = np.zeros((N, npe))
Y = np.zeros((N, npe))
Z = np.zeros((N, npe))

R = 0.
for i in range(0, N):
    R = R + 1
    # R=4.
    alpha = np.linspace(-1 * np.pi / 2, 3 * np.pi/2, npe)
    Z[i] = R * np.cos(alpha)
    # Y=np.zeros_like(Z)
    Y[i] = R * np.sin(alpha)
    X[i] = -(-2 * (Rmp**2) + Y[i]**2 + Z[i]**2) / (2 * Rmp)
    # print('X= ', X)
# ax0.plot(X)
# Magnetopause T96
# xmp, ymp, zmp : closest points of T96 mpause to KF94 mpause
xn_pd = pdyn
vel = -vsw
xmp = np.zeros_like(X)
ymp = np.zeros_like(Y)
zmp = np.zeros_like(Z)

for i in range(0, N):
    for j in range(0, npe):
        xgsm = X[i][j]
        ygsm = Y[i][j]
        zgsm = Z[i][j]
        xmgnp, ymgnp, zmgnp, dist, id = tsyg.t96_mgnp_08(xn_pd, vel,
                                                         xgsm, ygsm, zgsm)
        xmp[i][j] = xmgnp
        ymp[i][j] = ymgnp
        zmp[i][j] = zmgnp
        # print('GSM in: ', xgsm,ygsm,zgsm)
        # print('GSM MP: ', xmgnp,ymgnp,zmgnp, dist, id)

# ax.plot3D(X[i], Y[i], Z[i], 'red', label='KF94')
# ax.plot3D(xmp[i], ymp[i], zmp[i], 'blue', label='T96')
# #ax.scatter3D(xmp, ymp, zmp, c=zmp, cmap='Blues',label='T96')

ax.set_xlim(-20, 20)
ax.set_ylim(-20, 20)
ax.set_zlim(-20, 20)
# ax.set_aspect("equal")
ax.set_xlabel(r'$X_{GSM}$ ($R_E$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'$Y_{GSM}$ ($R_E$)')
ax.set_zlabel(r'$Z_{GSM}$ ($R_E$)')
# ax.set_title('Magnetopause ')
fig.suptitle('Magnetopause' + ' ' + str(year)+'/'
             + "{:02d}".format(month) + '/'
             + "{:02d}".format(day) + ' ' + "{:02d}".format(hour) + ':'
             + "{:02d}".format(min)+':'+"{:02d}".format(sec)+' UT'
             + '\n' + 'IMF clock angle : '
             + "{:3.1f}".format(imf_clock_angle) + u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}")
ax.legend(fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)

# Triangulation of T96 magnetopause
pts3d = np.zeros((N * npe, 3))
k = 0
for i in range(0, N):
    for j in range(0, npe):
        pts3d[k][0] = xmp[i][j]
        pts3d[k][1] = ymp[i][j]
        pts3d[k][2] = zmp[i][j]
        k = k + 1

hull = ConvexHull(pts3d, qhull_options='QJ')
indices = hull.simplices
faces = pts3d[indices]

# delete triangles closing the Mpause (convex hull) at Xmin
# faces1=triangles to delete
# faces1=np.delete(faces, np.where(faces[:,:,0]>-7.7), axis=0)
# triangles to keep
x_min = np.min(faces[:, :, 0] + 0.01)
tri_to_delete = []
for i in range(0, np.size(faces, axis=0)):
    if faces[i][0][0] < x_min or faces[i][1][0] < x_min or \
            faces[i][2][0] < x_min:
faces = np.delete(faces, tri_to_delete, axis=0)
# print('area: ', hull.area)
# print('volume: ', hull.volume)

# Compute the shear angle -------------------------------------------------
# Magnetosheath field
Bmsx, Bmsy, Bmsz = KF94_field(Rbs, Rmp, Bimfx, Bimfy, Bimfz, X, Y, Z)
bxgsm = np.zeros_like(Bmsx)
bygsm = np.zeros_like(Bmsx)
bzgsm = np.zeros_like(Bmsx)
t1 = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
t0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
ut = (t1-t0).total_seconds()
# IGRF init
hxgsw, hygsw, hzgsw = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
doy = (t1 - datetime.datetime(t1.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
# print("doy = ", doy)
vgse = [-vsw, 0, 0]  # solar wind velocity in GSE.
tsyg.recalc_08(year, doy, hour, min, sec, *vgse)
# get the dipole tilt ps from the geopack1 fortran common block
# the common block geopack1 is mapped into 2 arrays aa[10] and bb[22]
# and 2 scalars sps et cps
ps =[3]
# T96 init
bx1, by1, bz1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
cmap = cm.rainbow   # set the colormap
# map the colormap cmap to shear angle range from 0 to 180 deg
norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=180)
midp = centroid(faces)
facecolors = [find_color_for_point(pt, cmap, Rbs, Rmp,
                                   A, B, C,
                                   pdyn, dst, ps,
                                   Bimfx, Bimfy, Bimfz)
              for pt in midp]  # smooth gradient
coll = Poly3DCollection(faces, facecolors=facecolors,
                        edgecolors='none', alpha=1.0)
cbar = fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax)'Shear Angle (deg)')

if __name__ == "__main__":