index.jsp 13.9 KB
 * $Id: index.jsp 1817 2021-07-08 12:53:12Z frup47043 $
 * Name : $RCSfile: index.jsp,v $
 * Project : 3Dview Multimission
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * VERSION : 24/10/2011 : LBE
 * DM-ID : DM031 : 24/10/2011 : Creation
 * VERSION : 25/05/2015 : LBE : V1.7.1
 * Java exception advice added
 * VERSION : 09/06/2015 : LBE
 * features added and some cleanup
 * VERSION : 27/01/2016 : LBE
 * DM-ID : DM019 : 27/01/2016
 * Europlanet logo added
 * VERSION : 18/05/2016 : LBE
 * DM-ID : DM019 : 18/05/2016 : h2020 text added under logo
 * VERSION : 09/06/2016 : LBE
 * FA-ID : redmine#3209 : 09/06/2016 : multiple screen text added.
 * VERSION : 03/08/2018 : LBE
 * DM-ID : redmine#6237 : 03/08/2018 : add FAQ
 * VERSION : 24/06/2019 : LBE
 * DM-ID : redmine#6857 : 24/06/2019 : 32bits problem added
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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		    <title> 3DView/CDPP </title>
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		    content="3DView/CDPP is a science tool that offers immediate 3D visualization of spacecraft position and attitude, planetary ephemerides, as well as scientific data (observations, simulations  and models) representation. ">

		    <meta name="keywords" content="IMPEx,H2020,IRAP,CDPP,3DView,3DView multimission,spacecrafts,science planning,satellite orbit plots, spacecraft orbits,orbit,space physics,magnetic field,spacecraft location,magnetopause,bowshock,ephemeris,ephemerides,space multimission,planet,planetary,solar system,spacecraft attitude,attitude,visualization">
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                                    <li>Heliospheric/planetocentric/spacecraft view</li>
                                    <li>Bodies lighting, maps and stars</li>
                                    <li>Orbit, attitude, instrument bore sight</li>
                                    <li>Models for bow shock, magnetopause and magnetic fields</li>
                                    <li>Van allen belts (L-Shells), South Atlantic Anomaly</li>
                                    <li>Conjunctions search between spacecraft/stations</li>
                                    <li>Ground-based stations and data</li>
                                    <li>Image and movies generation</li>
                                    <li>Access to simulation and observation databases</li>
                                    <li>Cube, 2DCut, spectra, vector and scalar visualisation</li>
                                    <li>SAMP and EPN-TAP connections</li>
                    <b>2023/04/26: V2.16</b>
                        <li>Jupiter magnetic field model JRM33</li>
                        <li>Improvement of Lagrange points display</li>
                        <li>Dynamic boundary crossings</li>
                        <li>JUICE and PSP kernels management</li>
                        <li>Improvement of Earth's terminator display</li>
                    <b>2023/01/25: V2.15</b>
                        <li>Access to ESA/Cluster Science Archive with TAP</li>
                        <li>HelioSwarm 9-spacecraft trajectories (with initial launch in 2026)</li>
                                <b><a href="#" onClick="'<%=getServletContext().getContextPath()%>/pages/features.html','popupTarget','scrollbars=yes,width=480,height=520')">All release notes</a></b>
                                <b><a href="#" onClick="'<%=getServletContext().getContextPath()%>/pages/footprints.html','popupTarget','scrollbars=yes,width=480,height=720')">Table of available footprints</a></b>

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                                                <!--<h3 align="center"><FONT color="#FF0000">Please add the following URL as exception sites in JAVA/security panel : </BR></BR></FONT></h3>-->
                                        3DView is a science tool that offers immediate 3D visualization of spacecraft position and attitude, planetary ephemerides, as well as scientific data (observations, simulations and models) representation. Orbits and attitudes are handled through SPICE kernels and related files from ESA or NASA repositories.
                                        3DView is a versatile, lightweight and interactive tool, intended to be intuitive and easy to use. 
                                        3DView was originally designed and owned by CNES. The software license is now GPLv3 (open source). The <a href="" target="_blank">source code</a> is available and any modification must keep the initial sources in GPLv3. CDPP advises any potential user to inform the 3Dview team before re-using the code.
                                        The following scientific missions are included: Cluster, Rosetta, Mars-Express, Venus-Express, Cassini, Galileo, Ulysses, Voyager1-2, Stereo, ACE, Wind, Geotail, SOHO, Giotto, Themis, Interball, ...<br>
                                        See the complete list <a href="#" onClick="'pages/scCoverage.jsp','popupTarget','scrollbars=yes,width=480,height=520')">here.</a><br>
                                        Supplementary missions are regularly added, as well as new functions. See releases versions on the left. The last one is the conjunction search (between spacecraft and ground based facilities).
                                        3DView is connected via web-services to the AMDA and CDAWeb databases as well as to the LATMOS, FMI and SINP model databases. 3DView also enables planetary science data discovery through a dedicated EPN-TAP client, as well as a connection to the APIS database. IVOA SAMP is implemented for VOtable and CDF file exchange.
                                        For a detailed description of the 3DView/CDPP capabilities, please read the
                                        <a href="other/3DVIEW_Tutorial_2_0.pdf" target="_blank">tutorial</a>
                                        and the
                                        <a href="other/3DVIEW_Users_Guide_2_2.pdf" target="_blank">user guide</a>. Read also <a href="" target="_blank">the paper</a> published in <i>Planetary and Space Science</i> and access supplementary information <a href="#" onClick="'pages/supplementary.html','popupTarget','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=500')">here</a>.</p>
                                        3DView/CDPP runs as a JAVA webstart application; it is compatible with Windows  Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 as well as MAC OSX and LINUX
                                    <h3>JAVA 8+ required. See also <a href="#" onClick="'pages/requirements.html','popupTarget','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=500')" >java3D requirements</a>
                                        and <a href="#" onClick="'pages/faq.html','popupTarget','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=550')" >FAQ</a>
                                        <br>When using multiple screens, 3D scene must be initialized in main one.
					    <h5>Only for those with java 64bits and more than 4GB of Memory</h5>
					    <input type="button" class="button" name="btnMultiPlot" style="height: 3em; width: 20em;"
							    value="Launch 3DView" onClick="top.location.href='<%=getServletContext().getContextPath()%>/GenPlotJnlp?ram=4000m'" >
					    <input type="button" class="button" name="btn64bPlot" style="height: 2.5em; width: 15em;"
							    value="Launch 3DView (x32 mode)" onClick="top.location.href = 'GenPlotJnlp?multi=true'" >

                                    <input type="button" class="button" name="btnSinglePlot" style="height: 3em; width: 20em;"
                                           value="Download 3DView" onClick="top.location.href='<%=getServletContext().getContextPath()%>/GenPlotJnlp'" >
                                <td width=5%>&nbsp;</td>


                <td width="200" valign="top" border="0">
                            <td><a href="samples/marsrosetta.png" target="_blank">
                                    <img width=200 src="samples/marsrosetta_thumb.png"></a></td>
                            <td><a href="samples/themisBSMP.png" target="_blank">
                                    <img width=200 src="samples/themisBSMP_thumb.png"></a></td>
                            <td><hr>&nbsp;More pictures and movie samples <a href="#" onClick="'pages/samples.jsp','popupTarget','scrollbars=yes,width=850,height=800')">here.</a><hr></td>



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                <tr><td>Europlanet 2020 RI has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654208</td></tr></table>
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