sbcatalogs.conf 3.04 KB
#catalog id;catalog name;type;path;number of bodies;comments
#comets;All comets;COMET;comets_all_last;3626;All comets in catalog.

atira;Atira;ASTEROID;atira_last;22;An asteroid orbit contained entirely within the orbit of the Earth (Q < 0.983 au). Also known as an Interior Earth Object
aten;Aten;ASTEROID;aten_last;1715;Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 2062 Aten (a < 1.0 au; Q > 0.983 au)
apollo;Apollo;ASTEROID;apollo_010000:apollo_last;12588;Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth's orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo (a > 1.0 au; q < 1.017 au)
amor;Amor;ASTEROID;amor_last;8391;Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 1221 Amor (1.017 au < q < 1.3 au)
marscross;Mars crossing;ASTEROID;marscross_010000:marscross_last;18644;Asteroids that cross the orbit of Mars constrained by (1.3 au < q < 1.666 au; a < 3.2 au)
innerbelt;Inner Main-belt;ASTEROID;innerbelt_010000:innerbelt_020000:innerbelt_last;20313;Asteroids with orbital elements constrained by (a < 2.0 au; q > 1.666 au)
mainbelt;Main-belt;ASTEROID;mainbelt_all_010000:mainbelt_all_020000:mainbelt_all_030000:mainbelt_all_040000:mainbelt_all_050000:mainbelt_all_060000:mainbelt_all_070000:mainbelt_all_080000:mainbelt_all_090000:mainbelt_all_100000:mainbelt_all_110000:mainbelt_all_120000:mainbelt_all_last;124976;Asteroids with orbital elements constrained by (2.0 au < a < 3.2 au; q > 1.666 au)
outerbelt;Outer Main-belt;ASTEROID;outerbelt_010000:outerbelt_020000:outerbelt_last;28343;Asteroids with orbital elements constrained by (3.2 au < a < 4.6 au)
jupiter_trojan;Jupiter trojan;ASTEROID;jupiter_trojan_last;8209;Asteroids trapped in Jupiter's L4/L5 Lagrange points (4.6 au < a < 5.5 au; e < 0.3)
centaur;Centaur;ASTEROID;centaur_last;502;Objects with orbits between Jupiter and Neptune (5.5 au < a < 30.1 au)
transneptunian;Transneptunian;ASTEROID;transneptunian_last;3466;Objects with orbits outside Neptune (a > 30.1 au)
ast_hyperb;Hyperbolic asteroid;ASTEROID;ast_hyperb_last;4;Asteroids on hyperbolic orbits (e > 1.0)
#ast_parab;Parabolic asteroid;ASTEROID;ast_parab_last;0;Asteroids on parabolic orbits (e = 1.0)
ast_other;Other asteroid;ASTEROID;ast_other_last;77;Asteroid orbit not matching any defined orbit class
cmt_hyperb;Hyperbolic comet;COMET;cmt_hyperb_last;372;Comets on hyperbolic orbits (e > 1.0)
cmt_parab;Parabolic comet;COMET;cmt_parab_last;1831;Comets on parabolic orbits (e = 1.0)
cmt_jup1;Jupiter-family* comet;COMET;cmt_jup1_last;15;Jupiter-family comet, classical definition (P < 20 y)
cmt_halley;Halley-type* comet;COMET;cmt_halley_last;91;Halley-type comet, classical definition (20 y < P < 200 y)
cmt_encke;Encke-type comet;COMET;cmt_encke_last;58;Encke-type comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (TJupiter > 3; a < aJupiter)
cmt_chiron;Chiron-type comet;COMET;cmt_chiron_last;15;Chiron-type comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (TJupiter > 3; a > aJupiter)
cmt_jup2;Jupiter-family comet;COMET;cmt_jup2_last;685;Jupiter-family comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (2 < TJupiter < 3)
cmt_other;Other comet;COMET;cmt_other_last;566;Comet orbit not matching any defined orbit class